aspectra and eMovingCH - a success story since 2017
With eMovingCH, residents of almost all Swiss cantons can easily register their move online. aspectra has hosted the platform since 2017 and will continue to do so after winning the tender again in 2023.
Moving house is a time-consuming process in itself. Administrative tasks such as registering with the local authorities start as soon as you arrive at your new home. The eMovingCH platform offers residents of 22 Swiss cantons (as of July 2023) a smart online solution. It allows you to deregister from your old municipality and register with your new one completely online, regardless of office hours. Municipalities also benefit from the digital service: it increases efficiency, reduces sources of error, provides better data quality and allows the administration to devote its resources to special cases and individual advisory activities instead of routine tasks.
Winning the tender again
aspectra has been hosting the eMovingCH platform since 2017, when it was still a pilot project for the canton of Zurich. Today, the service is operated by eOperations Switzerland, a public service provider that facilitates cooperation between the federal government, cantons and municipalities in the field of digital government services. After the takeover in 2018, aspectra continued to host eMovingCH. eOperations Switzerland consistently developed eMovingCH in the following years and, in accordance with the legal requirements (IVöB), put the hosting of the platform out to tender again at the beginning of 2023. aspectra was able to assert itself as hosting provider and won the contract again.
Maximum security for sensitive data
Manuela Kleeb, Project Manager at eOperations Switzerland, is looking forward to continuing the cooperation with aspectra: "Hosting is like electricity - it has to work all the time, period. And aspectra makes sure that it does. We particularly benefit from the established and constructive cooperation between aspectra and our other partners. This is a great advantage for eOperations Switzerland. aspectra meets all the requirements for the availability and information security of eMovingCH. These are particularly high for eGovernment data." There are data protection officers in every canton who closely monitor the data processed here. For aspectra, however, this is not a problem, as they regularly host customers with the highest requirements and have all the necessary certifications," says Manuela Kleeb. Tanja Dellai, Site Manager of eMovingCH at aspectra, adds: "Our standard security measures for hosting platforms like eMovingCH are already very solid. In addition, we have protected the platform with Airlock Web Application Firewall to guarantee the highest possible level of security".
From one to 26 cantons?
When aspectra took over the hosting of eMovingCH in 2017, the platform was only available in the Canton of Zurich. Today, the service is already offered in 22 cantons, with the remaining few cantons to follow. On average, eMovingCH processes more than 450 relocation requests per day, with double that number on peak days. As more cantons join the platform, or as existing cantons and municipalities process more relocation requests, the demands on eMovingCH’s performance will also increase. According to Tanja Dellai, aspectra can easily cope with the increased workload, too: "We anticipated the success and expansion of eMovingCH from the very beginning. That's why we designed the platform to be big enough right from the start. eMovingCH has not yet reached its performance limits". eOperations Switzerland, aspectra and the other partner companies are currently evaluating the further development of the platform together and are ready for all relocation notifications in Switzerland.

aspectra services for eMovingCH and eOperations Switzerland:
- Service Level Agreements
- Proactive monitoring and dashboard
- Georedundant backup on tape
- Remote access service with encrypted SSH tunnel and two-factor authentication
- Web Application Firewall (WAF)
- Managed firewalls
- Setup and hardening OS, patching, 7x24h operation of platform components
- Quadruple redundant Internet access with DDoS mitigation
- Vulnerability scans
- Web statistics