References Custom solutions for companies and organisations


Well-known, long-standing customers from a wide range of industries rely on our services. From identifying the best technical solution to implementation and operation, we guide them through the entire process. Let them speak for themselves:

«HIN stands for simple and secure communication in the healthcare sector. To ensure this security for our customers, we rely on a certified partner to operate our system platform. »

Lucas Schult, CEO Health Info Net AG (HIN)

«We appreciate the high professional standards of the always very helpful and competent aspectra staff, both in the analysis and in the operational phase. Our expectations regarding real cooperation in terms of proactivity, thinking along, exchanging ideas and service innovation through permanent support were far exceeded.»


«With aspectra's OpenShift platform, our DevOps team can be more agile and develop applications faster. Application deployment and management processes are now a lot easier to automate.»

Thomas Marthy, Head of Operations BlueCare AG

«OpenShift provides dreipol with the technology freedom we need to develop our apps, games and websites.»

Philipp Läubli, Lead Developer and Partner at dreipol
